Introduction to Whitewater Kayaking


This two‐day course is designed as an introduction to whitewater kayaking. It introduces paddlers to key concepts and the basics of river running, in a safe and supportive environment. The course begins by covering essential concepts and flat‐water skills, such as forward paddling and turning. We then enter class 1+rapids, which are friendly for beginners, to and add moving water skills, such as catching eddies, for a safe and fun descent on the river. On day two we refine our skills on class 2‐ rapids and work towards linking skills to continuously navigate the river.

  • Experience required: basic flat water kayaking training, in a pool or on a lake. Must be able to swim 50 m. Please reach out if you have questions about the course prerequisites.
  • Questions: please feel free to send us an email at


Various sections of the upper Cowichan River, near the town of Lake Cowichan. If water levels are too high we may change the venue to another river. See the agenda for specifics.


  • $115: Instruction fee.
  • $20: Gear rental consisting of kayak, paddle, helmet, and PFD. If you wish to provide your own personal equipment, please consult with instructors to ensure it is suitable.
  • $40: Drysuit rental (fitted with latex gaskets at the neck and wrists) and bootie rental. Drysuits are required from October through April; wetsuits are acceptable May through September. We have this policy because we want you to be warm and comfortable in the water as we find this improves retention greatly. Swimming and in-water rescue techniques are part of the program!
  • $30: Annual membership to the South Island Whitewater Club if you are not already a member. $25 for students.

Therefore the maximum total cost is $205. All costs payable via Interac e‐transfer to (some banks have issues sending to this domain, if so, you can send to

Personal Gear

Participants must arrive with the following:

  • Warm layering for under river‐wear (tops, bottoms, and socks), made from wool, fleece, or synthetic (no cotton). 1‐3 layers may be appropriate depending on weather conditions and how hot you run.
  • Warm clothing, including waterproofs and outdoor footwear, for when not on the water.
  • Towel.
  • Lunch, snacks, and drinks. Have a good breakfast before you arrive. Please bring a packed lunch, including waterproof snacks, such as bars to bring on the river. There is a Country Grocer, Co‐op gas, A&W, and Tim Hortons in Lake Cowichan if you need last minute nourishment options. Instructors will have dry bags for food too.
  • Sun screen, if we are lucky enough to have sunshine.


Arrive each day at the designated meet location at the river by 09:30. We aim to finish by 16:00.


Pre-trip Homework

  • Please read the Whitewater Kayak 100 course syllabus and watch the suggested videos.
  • If available, it is highly recommended to attend a pool session to do your wet exit in the pool and receive some paddle stroke instruction in a warm environment.

Day 1

Meet at the Cowichan Lake Visitor Centre at 9:30 ‐ [map] (note: please use washroom beforehand as there is not one available in the fall/winter months. There may be toilets in tubing season.) All agenda details are subject to change based on conditions. Final details will be confirmed to you via email a few days before the course date.

  • Gather for approximately 90 minutes on land to complete introductions, sign waivers, assess prior experience, discuss the agenda, conduct a safety briefing and warm‐up.
  • Gear up.
  • Set vehicle shuttles.
  • On river for approximately four hours, skills to include:
    • Getting in and out of your kayak, including wet exits and/or T‐rescues.
    • Turning the kayak via the sweep stroke.
    • Forward paddling.
    • Boat tilt in order to take advantage of river currents.
    • Ferrying across the river current.
    • Entering and exiting eddies, our place of safety on the river.
    • River hydrology.
    • Having fun on the river blasting down rapids.

Day 2

  • Meet at Kinsmen Duck Pond at 9:30 (which is across the river from our put-in on day #1). Please note there is no washrooms available here in winter months.
  • On river for approximately six hours:
    • Short land‐based re‐cap of skills from prior day.
    • Set shuttle for the trip.
    • Warm-up on the section we ran on day #1 but at warp speed.
    • Complete longer day on river, proceeding further down to more challenging rapids where we build on skills from the prior day.