Mailing Lists

The life blood of any club is enabling communication amongst its members. Web forums used to be popular but nowadays with so many demands for our attention, people cannot be bothered to check them daily for new posts. Facebook ia popular but a number of our members prefer not to use a corporate social media platform. A very old-school but efficient way of communication is a mailing list, which uses email, often abbreviated as listserv. Essentially if you email a given listserv, it will relay that email to every other member on the list. Typically emails from a mailing list will have some [prefix] which enables easy filtering in your favorite email app.

Currently the club maintains one mailing list for announcements. This list is one-way, from the directors to the members, and advertises trips and courses. You do not need to be a member to sign-up:

SIW Announce

In terms of open (many-way) mailing lists, does not currently have one, but we recommend the use of the Vancouver Island Paddling Societies' mailing list island_ww. This list pre-dates SIW and in-fact was instantiated and is maintained by SIW directors:


There have been problems with subscriptions to this list due to issues with the service provider so if you do not receive a confirmation email please ask to subscribe you manually (and nag me on social media if I'm not paying attention to that mailbox).

At some point in the future we may establish our own open mailing lists for members to communication amongst themselves.

How to Sign-up

Go to the provided links and fill in your email address, name, and provide a password. You should receive a confirmation email within five minutes. Once you are subscribed you can scroll down to the field, "To unsubscribe from name, get a password reminder, or change your subscription options enter your subscription email address" and from there you can change your options.

Note #1: we recommend you do not get a daily digest for two-way emails as you will likely miss out on critical posts on-the-day of trips. It's also pointless for announcements as there will not be more than one announcement per day.

Note #2: typically you do not receive a copy of an email you send to the list. If you want to receive a copy, you need to login to the option (scroll down) "Receive acknowledgement mail when you send mail to the list?" set it to "Yes".